
My ink sculptures are spatial interventions that present ink in various forms and states as a subject, material and medium to meditate on self and the big questions of our time. The ink I make in my studio applies ink-making methods that date back to 12th century BC. The traditional ink is dried and turns to liquid by grinding it on a stone with water, and a ritual for painting in my childhood home in Queens, NY. My forms are dehydrated ink where ink is not just applied to the surface. It is the surface. And, may be deformed and rehydrated. That my ink is of my heritage and transformative is a fundamental principle and is building a language that represents me.

For more, please connect with me here. Follow me here.


Etiquetta - She's A Bitch 2016 Upstate NY

Etiquetta - She's A Bitch 2016

Upstate NY

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Target 3

Target practice, Upstate NY

Target practice, Upstate NY

Etiquetta - She's A Bitch 2016 Upstate NY

Etiquetta - She's A Bitch 2016

Upstate NY

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Target 1

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Target 2 

Target 3

Target 3

Target practice, Upstate NY

Target practice, Upstate NY

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    Etiquetta - She's A Bitch 2016

    Upstate NY

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    Target practice, Upstate NY

Ellen Jong © 2020